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learn how  to program the serial port of a linux sysytem using visual and the dotnet platform for beginners

Following the introduction of the open-source .NET platform by the .NET Foundation, supported by Microsoft, it became possible to develop .NET applications on platforms other than Windows, including Linux and macOS, using languages such as C# and Visual Basic .NET

Before this, developers primarily relied on the Mono Framework from Xamarin for developing .NET applications on non-Windows platforms. With Microsoft's release of its .NET platform, installing the framework on various platforms has been streamlined for users.

In this tutorial we will learn to program the serial port of a Linux system using and the .NET Platform Runtime. We will send and receive data from a microcontroller board like Arduino to a Linux PC using Virtual Serial Port Connection (VCP).



Source Codes



Install .NET SDK CLI on Linux

You can install the dotnet (.NET) SDK on Linux using the below command. Here I am using Ubuntu Linux. SDK will also install the dotnet runtime.

sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0
how to install dotnet (.net ) sdk on linux for serial port programming


Here dotnet-sdk-8.0 is the name of the SDK and may change in the future. Replace it with the correct version number of the latest available SDK.

The -y option in the apt-get install command stands for "yes". When you use -y, you're telling the system to automatically answer "yes" to any prompts or confirmation messages that may appear during the installation process. This is useful when you want to automate the installation of packages and don't want to manually confirm each installation step

You can check the installed dotnet SDK using the following command.

dotnet --list-sdks
how to list the installed dotnet sdks on Linux systems


You can also view the installed dotnet runtimes using the below command.

dotnet --list-runtimes
how to list the available dotnet  runtimes on linux system for serial port programming using and .net platform


Creating Project on Linux using .NET SDK

After the .NET SDK  and .NET runtime have been installed on your Linux system. 

You can create a simple project to develop software targeting the .NET (dotnet) platform on Linux systems like Ubuntu, Centos, Rocky Linux ,Debian, Fedora etc.

Here we will be creating a console project using the command line tools provided by the dotnet sdk. Currently WinForms Project and WPF project types are not supported on Linux systems by the .NET SDK due to the tight integration of these projects to the underlying Win32 API calls.

You can do that by issuing the following command 

dotnet new console --language VB -o directory_to_store_project_files
  • here programming language ,we want use is Visual  so --language VB flag.

  • -o flag creates a directory to store the project files.

Here we are going to name the directory as dotnet-serial-linux

serialport communication with Arduino  from Ubuntu Linux system using and .NET Platform


You can now change into the dotnet-serial-linux directory and type 

dotnet run 

to run the code. It will just print  a Hello World! as shown below.

running the dot net code on the linux system using command line tool dotnet run


Installing System.IO.Ports namespace on Linux.

On .NET Platform, the System.IO.Ports namespace which contain the SerialPort class is not included by default.

You have manually install the System.IO.Ports namespace and the associated assemblies to your serial port programming project using the Nuget package manager.

You can go to website and search for the System.IO.Ports package and then install it. 

Installing System.IO.Ports package on Linux using the nuget package manager


The install command can be copied directly from the website. You can also select different version of the package. Here we are using version 8.0.0

The command is 

dotnet add package System.IO.Ports --version 8.0.0
how to add serialport class to a .net program using nuget package manager on ubuntu linux


Now that the System.IO.Ports  package is installed for your current project ,you can access the SerialPort class from your program.


Identifying Serial Ports on Linux 

The naming conventions for serial ports vary between Linux and Windows. In Windows, ports are labeled as COM1, COM22, COM34, etc., following the COMxx system. 

However, in Linux and similar operating systems, hardware ports are typically named ttyS1, ttyS2, etc., while virtual serial ports generated by USB to serial converter chips are labeled as ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, or ttyACM0, ttyACM1, etc.

To connect/open  the serial port , you have to give the full name like

  •  /dev/ttyS1
  • /dev/ttyUSB0
  • dev/ttyACM0

For example 

my_linux_serial_port = New SerialPort()
my_linux_serial_port.PortName = "/dev/ttyUSB0" 

Unlike Windows, Linux is case sensitive so make sure that you are using the correct case while entering the serial port name/number.

Now connect the USB device (here an Arduino UNO) to your Linux PC and issue the following commands.

sudo dmesg | tail 

dmesg is a command used in Linux to display the message buffer of the kernel. Message buffer contains information about the various hardware  components connected to the PC as well as the device drivers loaded to communicate with the hardware. The dmesg command allows users to view this buffer, providing information about hardware detection, driver initialization, and any errors or warnings encountered during the boot process or while the system is running.

The output of this is passed to the tail command which is used to display the last and most recent messages generated by the Kernel which corresponds to the connection of Arduino UNO.

The output will look something like this.

how to identify the serial port number of Arduino connected to Linux PC

So in this case the name of our serial port is ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyACM0.

You can also get the connected serial ports on a Linux System by running the below code that targets the .NET platform.

'Source code name-> FindAvailablePorts.vb
Imports System.IO.Ports          'For accessing the SerialPort Class and Methods
Module AvailablePorts
   Sub Main()
       Dim AvailablePorts() As String = SerialPort.GetPortNames() 'List available ports on a System
       Dim Port As String
       Console.WriteLine("Available Ports ::")
       For Each Port In AvailablePorts
       Next Port
   End Sub
End Module

Here is the output of the code running on Ubuntu Linux system.

code to list all the connected serial ports on Linux system using


Serial Port Permissions in Linux

Linux do not allow a user to access the serial port (tty) unless they are part of a specific group like tty,dialout or uucp.

You can use the groups command to check  whether your account is part of the above mentioned groups.

Please issue the command 

groups username 
checking whether a user is part of a group in linux

From the above image ,the user "rahul" is not part of groups tty,dialout and uucp.This means that the user rahul will not be allowed to open the serial port.

If you try to open a serial port without setting the correct permissions, you will get a Access to Port "/dev/ttyACM0"is denied error.

how to solve Access to Port "/dev/ttyACM0"is denied error in Linux during serial port programming

To solve the above error you will have to add the user to the relevant groups using usermod command as shown below

sudo usermod -a -G <group_name> <username>

So in our case 

sudo usermod -a -G tty rahul
sudo usermod -a -G dialout rahul
sudo usermod -a -G uucp rahul
how to add user to groups like tty,dialout and uucp to get serial port permissions in Linux

then log off from your Linux system and log back in for the changes to take effect.


Opening a Serial Port on Linux

Opening a serial port, setting parameters of Serial port , reading and writing data to the serial port are similar to how it is done on a windows platform as we are using the same API's. Here I wont delve deep into the intricacies of opening the serial port and will just run the code from our Github repo.

Please note that opening the serial port on Linux using may reset the connected Arduino Board. Make sure that Arduino code is written to accommodate this condition.

Hardware connections are shown below.

serial communication example between linux PC and Arduino using Visual ( on dotnet net platform

You can identify the serial port number of Arduino by using the dmesg command as shown in the tutorial (above).

Now you can run the SerialCommRead.vb file which would receive a string from Arduino and display it on the Linux Console. Copy the file inside the working directory.Remove any other vb files from the directory. Now use dotnet run to execute the file.

When you are giving the name of the serial port make sure you use the full name like /dev/ttyACM0. serial communication code running on Ubuntu Linux receiving a string or data from a connected Arduino