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quick and simple introduction to javafx for embedded programmers who wants to build simple serial port applications

A quick introduction to Javafx technology for embedded developers who wish to create simple interfaces on PC to communicate with embedded devices like Arduino, GPS devices ,Relays, Data Acquisition Devices etc.

Here you will learn how to compile javafx GUI applications using command line tools on Windows.

This tutorial teaches the user to build cross platform GUI apps that runs on a desktop/laptop computer either Windows or Linux.


JavaFX is a software platform from Oracle for creating and delivering desktop GUI applications that can run across a wide variety of devices and operating systems.

On desktops, JavaFX supports

  • Windows Vista, Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 11
  • macOS 
  • and Linux operating systems.

Open-source JavaFX Ports works for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android and embedded (Raspberry Pi) are available from Gluon

JavaFX was included with JDK prior to JDK 11,Now it is released under the  OpenJFX project.

JavaFX ports are maintained by GluonHq


JavaFx Downloads

Installing JavaFX on Windows

Here we will be building JavaFx application using JDK on command line without using any IDE like intellij ,Netbeans or Eclipse.

First thing to do is to setup javafx on your Windows System. For that 

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your Machine 
  • Go to Gluon website using the above link and download the Windows version of the javafx libraries.

javafx development on windows using command line tools from gluon

  • Unzip the libraries to a directory of your choosing. 

To Compile a simple javafx application you have to use the following command

javac --module-path "Path to your javafx lib folder" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

To Run the compiled javafx application class you have to use the following command


java --module-path "Path to your javafx lib folder" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml YourFile


Let's create a simple hello world program and save it as in a directory.

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class JavaFX_Stage extends Application
  public static void main(String[] args) 
     System.out.println("Launching JavaFX");
  public void start(Stage stage)


Compilation errors and issues

Make sure that  you use the latest the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the latest JavaFX libraries to prevent class file version conflict.

When we were using JavaFX 21 and JDK 17,we received the following class file has wrong version conflict error as shown below

h:\JavaFXDev>javac --module-path H:\JavaFXDev\openjfx-21\javafx-sdk-21\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
error: cannot access module-info
 bad class file: H:\JavaFXDev\openjfx-21\javafx-sdk-21\lib\javafx.fxml.jar(/module-info.class)
   class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
   Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access module-info
 bad class file: H:\JavaFXDev\openjfx-21\javafx-sdk-21\lib\javafx.controls.jar(/module-info.class)
   class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
   Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
2 errors

To rectify "class file has wrong version , should be " Please use the latest JDK (here JDK21) when compiling the JavaFX libraries on command line.


JavaFX library directory structure

In our case, we have downloaded the JavaFX library in the directory  

H:\JavaFXDev as shown below.

compiling javafx application on windows using commandline tools like jdk,opejdk,openjfx,gluon

Here openjfx-21 contains javafx libraries.

The directory structure is organized in the following way 

compiling javafx code on command line using jdk and openjfx

Here our code is in the main directory H:\

javafx directory structure for software development on Windows



Compiling and running the JavaFx code on Windows

You can compile the code using the below command

javac --module-path H:\JavaFXDev\openjfx-21\javafx-sdk-21\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

Then run the resulting class file using the below command

java --module-path H:\JavaFXDev\openjfx-21\javafx-sdk-21\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml JavaFX_Stage

Don't include .class file extension while running the code.

Compiling and running javafx gui on windows using jdk command line only


This would create a simple Hello Window as shown below

javafx hello world window on command line compilation


Creating basic widgets in JavaFX Platform

In this section we will learn to add a couple of widgets(controls) to our basic window and wire up code to take action. We will concentrate our efforts on the most commonly used item like

Check Boxes 
which are used for controlling items connected to your computer.

Our aim is to teach you enough so you can make simple cross platform javaFX control programs to communicate and control your Arduino Board, Raspberry Pi, Data Acquisition and logging Devices, Isolated USB relays, USB GPIO Boards etc.

JavaFX Stage and Scene

JavaFX Stage class is the top level JavaFX container. The primary Stage is constructed by the platform. JavaFX Stage can be considered the main window on which all other controls remain.

JavaFX Scene class is the container for all content in a scene graph.

It means that all the widgets like panes, buttons, checkboxes etc have to be attached to the scene object which in turn is attached to the Stage object as shown below.

javafx stage and scene relationship heirarchy for building javafx gui

Here is the partial code for doing so. 
code for intializing javafx application

The code above will not compile as the scene constructor is empty. You have to pass your widgets like pane or button to the Scene constructor to attach them to the scene. 

Creating a Label in JavaFX

JavaFX Label control can display a text or image label inside a JavaFX GUI.Label is a non-editable text control. A Label is useful for displaying text that is required to fit within a specific space.

Partial code for creating a Label and setting its Font .

Label label = new Label("JavaFX Labels"); //Create a Label
label.setLayoutX(20); //Set X position of label
Font labelFont = new Font ("Arial",54.0); //Create a Font 
label.setFont(labelFont); //Change Font of your label
// Add the label to a scene
Scene scene = new Scene(label);

label.setLayoutX(20) and label.setLayoutY(20) are used to position the label on the window. 
After creation the Label had to be added to the scene and scene to the stage.

On running this you get

creating a javafx label with custom font

Creating a Simple Button in JavaFX

Let's create a simple button in javaFX and connect it with an event handler .The event handler will call  a function which will print a message to the command line.

The basic steps involved in creating a button in javaFX  are

Create a Button  
Set the text on Button  
Attach the button to an event handler 
Attach the button to a pane 
Attach the pane to scene 
Attach the scene to stage 
Show the stage 
Add a function to handle the event generated by the button
